You Should Have Told Me

Having a child was supposed to make Janie and Max's lives complete. But six weeks in, Janie relies on Max just to get through the day. Until the night he doesn't come home. Suddenly Janie is left alone with their baby. She's desperate for answers. And when a woman's body is found, his disappearance raises serious alarms. For Janie, and for the police... Janie is sure Max couldn't be involved. But the harder she looks for him, the more she realises how much Max has been hiding...


Unraveling Secrets and Lies

Introduction: In "You Should Have Told Me" by Leah Konen, the author plunges readers into the tumultuous world of Janie, a new mother grappling with the sudden disappearance of her partner, Max. As Janie delves deeper into the mystery surrounding Max's vanishing act, she uncovers a web of secrets and lies that threaten to shatter everything she thought she knew. With its gripping narrative and relentless suspense, Konen's novel offers a riveting exploration of love, betrayal, and the dark truths hidden beneath the surface.

Review: Konen's narrative unfolds through the eyes of Janie, a character whose raw emotions and vulnerabilities resonate deeply with readers. From the overwhelming challenges of motherhood to the heart-wrenching uncertainty of Max's disappearance, Janie's journey is marked by palpable anguish and relentless determination. Konen masterfully captures the complexities of Janie's inner turmoil, inviting readers to empathize with her struggles and root for her quest for answers.

One of the novel's standout qualities is its skillful execution of unexpected twists and turns. Konen deftly navigates the murky waters of suspense, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as Janie uncovers shocking revelations and startling truths. Each revelation adds another layer of complexity to the narrative, weaving a tangled web of intrigue that propels the story forward with relentless momentum. As the plot unfolds, Konen expertly ratchets up the tension, leading to a gripping climax that will leave readers breathless.

Moreover, Konen's exploration of themes such as motherhood, love, and trust adds depth and resonance to the narrative. Through Janie's experiences, the novel delves into the profound challenges and sacrifices inherent in parenthood, as well as the complexities of romantic relationships and the fragility of trust. Konen deftly navigates these themes with sensitivity and nuance, crafting a story that is as emotionally resonant as it is suspenseful.

In addition to its compelling narrative and rich thematic exploration, "You Should Have Told Me" is elevated by Konen's masterful prose. Her evocative descriptions and vivid imagery bring the story's settings to life, immersing readers in Janie's world with remarkable clarity. From the bustling streets of the city to the quiet solitude of Janie's home, Konen's vivid prose paints a vivid portrait of the novel's atmosphere, enhancing the overall reading experience.

Conclusion: In "You Should Have Told Me," Leah Konen delivers a gripping psychological thriller that will keep readers hooked from start to finish. With its compelling characters, unexpected twists, and rich thematic exploration, the novel offers a riveting exploration of love, betrayal, and the dark secrets that lurk beneath the surface. Konen's masterful storytelling and evocative prose make "You Should Have Told Me" a must-read for fans of suspenseful fiction, earning it a well-deserved rating of 5 stars.

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Leah Konen

Leah Konen, Novelist. New Yorker. Mother to two adorable kids and one scruffy dog From

Crafting Stories that Captivate

About the Author: Leah Konen is a versatile author known for her compelling storytelling across genres. With a string of acclaimed novels to her name, including "Keep Your Friends Close," "You Should Have Told Me," "The Perfect Escape," and "All the Broken People," Konen has established herself as a prominent voice in the literary world.

Born in the United States, Leah Konen's journey into writing began with a passion for storytelling that she cultivated from an early age. Her knack for weaving narratives that resonate with readers of all ages has garnered widespread recognition, with her books featured in prestigious publications such as Vogue, Rolling Stone, Marie Claire, Reader’s Digest, and The New York Post.

Konen's literary repertoire extends beyond adult fiction to encompass young adult novels, including "Love and Other Train Wrecks" and "The Romantics," each offering readers a captivating glimpse into the complexities of youth and relationships.

In addition to her writing, Leah Konen is a devoted mother to her daughters, Eleanor and Mary Joyce, and shares her life with her husband and their beloved dog, Farley. Splitting her time between Brooklyn and Saugerties, New York, Konen finds inspiration in the bustling city streets and the tranquil countryside alike.

Advice and Insights: Aspiring authors often seek Leah Konen's guidance, drawn to her wealth of experience in the publishing industry. From navigating the journey to traditional publication to honing one's craft, Konen offers valuable advice gleaned from her own path to success.

For budding authors, Konen emphasizes the importance of finding a writing schedule that suits individual preferences and sticking to it diligently. She advocates for a daily writing practice and encourages aspiring writers to immerse themselves in literature across various genres to enhance their storytelling skills.

When it comes to traditional publishing, Konen advises authors to polish their manuscripts to perfection before querying agents. She recommends utilizing resources like to compile a list of reputable agents and craft compelling query letters tailored to each recipient.

Literary Influences: Leah Konen draws inspiration from a diverse array of sources, including notable writing and craft books such as "Save the Cat," "Anatomy of Story," "Bird by Bird," and "On Writing." These seminal works have shaped her approach to storytelling and continue to inform her creative process.

While Konen regrets being unable to accommodate every request to read manuscripts or query letters due to her busy schedule, she remains committed to offering editorial services for those seeking professional guidance on their writing journey.

With each book she pens, Leah Konen invites readers on a journey of discovery and introspection, weaving narratives that resonate long after the final page is turned. Her dedication to the craft of storytelling shines through in every word, reaffirming her status as a captivating storyteller for readers of all ages.

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Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2024
Reviewed in the United States on June 13, 2023

Reviewed in the United States on April 17, 2023
Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2023

Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2023
Konen has written an unusual domestic thriller that puts a new mom with postpartum depression at the center of murder, marriage secrets, and a missing husband.

Janie, a new mom, has changed course dramatically. Once an up-and-coming professional, she fell in love, got pregnant, and suspiciously quit her job when she could have taken family leave. Now a full-time, breast-feeding, sleep-deprived new mom to Freya, she’s at her wits’ end. Her devoted partner and baby-daddy Max tries to help her, but she is in such despair that Max can’t seem to help enough.

One night while Max cares for little Freya so that Janie can sleep, he disappears. Janie knows something terrible has happened to him because he’s been a devoted father and would have never left them, especially with Freya in his keeping. Janie is frantic, yet Max’s parents convince her to hold off from calling the police. Janie does, but she cannot understand why they don’t seem as concerned as she is. Janie wonders if they are afraid of bad publicity. Yet, even Max’s best friend Liana doesn’t seem as concerned as Janie.

But that changes when a woman is murdered at a nearby bar, and the police come calling. It seems that Max is the number one suspect. As secrets unfold and Janie’s PPD worsens, everyone comes forward to help her—Max’s parents, Liana, Janie’s best friend Molly, and others from work and college. Unfortunately, Janie can’t cope with their offers of help as she’s been independent and self-sufficient, a characteristic that pushes others away. She also can’t cope with her own suspicions of what might be happening, although she holds onto the belief that Max could never kill anyone. While Freya demands mommy’s milk every hour, Janie’s attachment to a baby monitor and the overzealousness of doing the right thing as a mom cause her to doubt her mothering abilities. She also keeps a terrible secret that eats at her. Things could not get worse. But they do.

Konen’s understanding of new motherhood comes from her own experience which went viral on Twitter and was written about in Vogue magazine. Konen keeps the story tense and scary while showing the realities of a body and brain affected by postpartum depression (PPD). Although some of the specifics and details of PPD and the unending needs of a new baby become repetitive and could have been cut back somewhat, Konen does an excellent job of making a cranky and unsure mother sympathetic. Janie loves Max, but does she love Freya, a child who has brought her to tears, self-doubt, and fear?

The title works on many levels about what should have been told—between the couple and the parents, among friends, and to the police. Konen uses these secrets to ratchet up the suspense as Janie goes careening through each page-turning twist, trying to save Max while caring for a demanding baby. We root for the couple because they love each other. The novel especially presents very human, sympathetic characters with justifiable motives for what they do while making major mistakes out of love. Although classified as a thriller, the ending and the killer’s identity bring the story to a finale that usurps expectations for the thriller genre but works for domestic suspense.

Thanks go to Penguin Group Putnam and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.
Reviewed in the United States on January 24, 2023

Reviewed in the United States on June 2, 2023
Customer image
Reviewed in the United States on January 3, 2023
Janie and her boyfriend Max have a young baby Freya. Janie is overwhelmed with new motherhood and all it entails, and has left her high powered job to take care of the baby. Max is trying to help out, and tells Janie to take the night off, he will care for the baby while she gets some sleep. When she wakes up in the morning, Max is gone, and it seems as if he has been gone for hours. When she calls his parents frantically, they brush her off. Janie knows something is wrong, and when the police show up saying a woman has been murdered and that Max is a suspect, Janie starts to uncover the many things Max has been hiding.

There are quite a few things I liked about this book, and also a few things I didn't.

I loved the realistic portrayal of new motherhood. It vividly took me back to those days of sleep deprivation and never feeling as if I was good enough. Just a warning, there is a lot of discussion about breastfeeding, pumping, etc. I really appreciated the authenticity, but some readers might think it's a bit much because it is mentioned quite often.

There are some decent twists in the story and I did like how everything came together in the end. Everything was logical and made sense, even though it really didn't as I was reading.

What I didn't care for and found head shaking was the armchair detecting Janie did. Seriously it is just stupid both the risks she takes and the information that she just happens to get that the police don't. And could Max not have left her a note? Sent her a quick text that said he had to leave town and he would explain later? Why so much subterfuge? And there are other people who are lying throughout the story whose lies just did not make sense at all.

In the end, I liked some of the book, some of it I didn't. It was a decent popcorn thriller and fairly fast paced. If you're looking for some entertainment and don't mind some eye rolling moments, you might enjoy it.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, all opinions are my own.

5.0 out of 5 stars Gripping
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 7, 2023

3.0 out of 5 stars YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME
Reviewed in Germany on June 27, 2023

5.0 out of 5 stars Exciting
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 18, 2023

Rebecca Cacioppo
5.0 out of 5 stars Page Turner
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 11, 2023

angela lawrence
5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 15, 2023

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