Secret Life of the City

Come along on an informative, whirlwind tour of urban species—from intelligent crows to backyard lichens—and discover that you are surrounded by wild nature, even in your own backyard. When biologist Hanna Bjørgaas spots a fairy cup lichen in Antarctica, she is surprised to recognize it from her own backyard in Oslo. When she returns home, she embarks on a journey into urban nature, visiting city parks, cemeteries, and concrete rooftops to investigate the species that live in urban spaces. Along the way, she meets corvids, songbirds, ants, pigeons, bats, sparrows, fungi, and linden trees—and the experts who study their surprising abilities to survive, and thrive, in the city. As Bjørgaas discovers, urban nature—and its unique mixture of species that have never lived together before in Earth’s history—is valuable. More than half of the world’s human population lives in densely populated areas—and plants and animals have followed us into cities. Secret Life of the City invites us to pay more attention to the sounds, sights, and smells of urban nature right outside our door. A treasure trove of fascinating flora and fauna, this wonderful book offers a plea to save our city plants, animals, and fungi before we lose them, too.


A Captivating Exploration of Urban Nature

Secret Life of the City by Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas is a captivating and informative non-fiction book that invites readers to rediscover the wonders of nature hidden within their own urban environments. Bjørgaas, a biologist and writer, takes us on a journey through city parks, cemeteries, and concrete rooftops, revealing the surprising diversity of species that have adapted to survive and thrive in these seemingly hostile environments.

The book's strengths lie in its blend of scientific information and engaging storytelling. Bjørgaas seamlessly weaves together fascinating facts about urban flora and fauna with personal anecdotes and vivid descriptions of her encounters with pigeons, crows, bats, and even lichens. Her passion for the subject shines through, making even the most complex scientific concepts accessible and interesting to a general audience.

Here are some of the key strengths of "Secret Life of the City":

  • Unique perspective: The book offers a fresh perspective on urban environments, highlighting the often overlooked natural world that exists alongside our human-made structures.
  • Engaging writing style: Bjørgaas's writing is clear, concise, and engaging, making the book accessible to readers of all backgrounds.
  • Comprehensive information: The book covers a wide range of urban species, from familiar creatures like pigeons and sparrows to more surprising residents like bats and fungi.
  • Interconnectedness: Bjørgaas emphasizes the interconnectedness of urban ecosystems, highlighting the vital role each species plays in maintaining a healthy balance.
  • Call to action: The book concludes with a passionate plea to protect and conserve urban nature, urging readers to appreciate the value of these hidden ecosystems.

While there are no major weaknesses in the book, there are a few minor points to consider:

  • Limited geographical scope: The book primarily focuses on urban environments in Oslo, Norway, which may limit its relatability for readers in other geographic regions.
  • Potential for technical language: While the book aims for accessibility, some scientific terms may require further research for readers unfamiliar with biology.

Overall, "Secret Life of the City" is a valuable and insightful book that will appeal to anyone interested in nature, urban environments, or the surprising connections between humans and the natural world. It serves as a reminder to slow down, observe our surroundings, and appreciate the hidden wonders that exist right outside our doorsteps.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Recommendation: Highly recommended for nature enthusiasts, urban dwellers, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of life on Earth. It would also be a valuable resource for educators and students interested in environmental science and urban ecology.

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Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas

Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas, Biologist and Writer From

Exploring Nature in the Urban Jungle

Biography: Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas, born in 1985 in Trondheim, Norway, is a versatile professional in the fields of biology and writing. Her academic journey includes studying outdoor activities at Telemark University College and obtaining an MSc in biology from the University of Oslo. A passionate advocate for urban nature, she delves into the secrets of city wildlife, unraveling stories that often go unnoticed.

Professional Life: Hanna's career as a freelance biologist and writer reflects her commitment to uncovering the mysteries of urban ecosystems. Her notable work includes the publication of "Byens hemmelige liv. Historier fra den urbane villmarka" in 2021, shedding light on the hidden lives of urban wildlife. With a focus on crows, moss, and bats, she brings attention to the often overlooked aspects of nature within city boundaries.

Daily Routine: In her early thirties, Hanna values a good night's sleep to keep her mind sharp. Her sleep routine varies, emphasizing the importance of adapting to her natural sleep patterns. A conscious reduction in coffee intake has significantly improved her sleep quality, highlighting the impact of lifestyle choices on overall well-being. Hanna's attention to sleep hygiene, including earplugs and a sleep mask, underscores her dedication to rest.

Food Preferences: A self-proclaimed food enthusiast, Hanna's culinary preferences reflect a mix of comfort and creativity. Her breakfast favorites include soft-boiled eggs and a slice of bread with caviar. Lunch often consists of variations of bread or yogurt-based meals. Hanna expresses a particular fondness for white goat cheese, showcasing her diverse taste in food. While she has her staple dinners like lentil stew and pumpkin soup, her everyday meals are simple, often centered around vegetables, rice, and spices.

Work-Life Balance: Hanna's work routine, shaped by the privilege of self-employment, allows for flexibility. A typical day involves focused work sessions, breaks for outdoor activities, and a mix of writing and research. As she navigates the realms of urban nature, Hanna's projects include studying crow language, exploring moss, and observing bats. Her dedication to uninterrupted work periods, aided by minimizing distractions like social media, reflects her commitment to productivity.

Leisure Time: In her leisure moments, Hanna finds solace in both relaxation and outdoor adventures. From lounging on the sofa and watching series to exploring nature reserves with binoculars as a dedicated bird watcher, she embraces the ebb and flow of energy. Weekends may involve climbing, skiing, or engaging in her amateur band, where she channels her creativity into songs about love and climbing.

Social Connections: Maintaining a balance between solitude and social connections, Hanna values friendships and occasional gatherings. Meeting friends for birthdays or outdoor activities aligns with her preference for shared experiences. Despite friends living in different cities, she cherishes phone conversations as a means of staying connected.

Future Endeavors: Hanna looks forward to learning tango when time allows, showcasing her openness to new experiences. Her affinity for nurturing plant sprouts and sharing them with deserving recipients adds a touch of generosity to her interests. As she navigates the complexities of work, passion, and personal growth, Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas continues to be a vibrant contributor to the exploration of nature, even in the heart of the urban jungle.

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Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2023
This book about animal and plant life in the city has a lot of interesting stories, but often on topics not especially relevant to urban life. Bats, lichen, and ants , for instance, are found as much or more in the wild. The book also needs to focus more on the adaptations creatures need to make to survive. Some discussion of plants would too be useful. Her examples are mainly drawn from her experience in Oslo, Norway, so less relevant to urban Americans, who live among coyotes, possums, feral cats, and such.

Reviewed in the United States on October 4, 2023
A fascinating foray into the natural world with interesting snippets of information

Reviewed in the United States on June 30, 2023
The author's observations about the nature around her can be interesting and involving. But as I read, the book became more about the author and her reactions and less about what she was seeing in nature. I was more interested in the latter, and am not wild about being told how I should react.

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